Decelerating Climate Change: The Crucial Role of Securing Land for Thompson Brown Renewable Energy (TBRE)


This whitepaper highlights the paramount significance of land acquisition as Trace Thompson and James Brown of Thompson Brown Renewable Energy (TBRE) pursue decelerating climate change by securing the most suitable land for renewable energy projects. TBRE identifies land ideal for renewable energy initiatives and, in doing so, creates a product that reduces carbon emissions. The company’s work plays an important role in the global transition towards green energy. The value we place on personal relationships with landowners and surrounding communities is what sets TBRE apart from the others. TBRE in essence, is about connectivity with the individual as well as the grid.


Driven by the increasing threat of environmental degradation and rapid depletion of fossil fuel resources, the global community faces an urgent need to combat climate change. Renewable energy emerged as a vital solution, offering clean, sustainable alternatives to traditional energy sources. TBRE recognizes the importance of expeditiously identifying and securing land suitable for renewable energy development to serve as a catalyst for Thompson and Brown’s mission to decelerate climate change.

Sustainable Development and Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is a pivotal component of sustainable development, promoting economic growth while preserving environmental integrity. By harnessing renewable resources such as the sun and wind, developers provide clean energy solutions that reduce reliance on fossil fuels and limit greenhouse gas emissions. The availability of suitable land is essential for the efficient deployment and scalability of renewable energy projects.

The Importance of Suitable Land

  • Resource Potential: Securing land for wind and solar projects capable of generating abundant renewable energy is crucial to maximizing potential output and decelerating climate change. Areas with high sun exposure and consistent wind patterns offer valuable opportunities for solar and/or wind projects.
  • Infrastructure Connectivity: Access to transmission networks is vital when selecting land for renewable energy projects. TBRE’s land suitability diligence creates opportunities for high efficiency transmission of clean energy to meet growing demand.
  • Land Use Compatibility: The exercise of land selection should prioritize minimal ecological impact and compatibility with existing land use patterns. Identifying land where project development will have the least adverse impact on biodiversity while remaining suitable for large-scale energy installations should reduce potential conflicts and promote responsible development.
  • Regulatory Support: Choosing regions where local governments favor renewable energy development and create a regulatory framework that facilitates such a development is key in making projects operational.

Climate Change Mitigation and Land Acquisition

TBRE's core business principle emphasizes the correlation between securing suitable land and decelerating climate change.

TBRE can:

  • Reduce Carbon Emissions: The object of renewable energy projects is to displace fossil fuel-based energy consumption, significantly lowering carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Spur Technological Innovation: The pursuit of suitable land for renewable energy projects necessitates continuous technological advancements. In our efforts to locate untapped resources, TBRE intends to drive innovation with our technology partners.
  • Economic Growth and Job Creation: TBRE land acquisition activity should stimulate local economies, creating jobs in various sectors, while fostering sustainable economic growth and contributing to community development.


TBRE understands the value of meeting in-person with landowners ensuring long lasting relationships for renewable energy projects. Our goal is to introduce at least one hundred thousand acres to the renewable energy market by January 1, 2025.